Wednesday, August 12, 2009

End of Summer...beginning of TRANSITIONS!

Well, the end of summer is upon us & we are sad. We went to the pool today for one last hurrah before it closes...we won't have any time to go again before Monday. We had fun with the cousins, so it was a good day. Kristi has been spending much of this week at work. She's had tons of Unit 5 New Teacher Orientation meetings and has some more training tomorrow. We're looking forward to going out on the boat on Friday with the boys & doing some tubing in Clinton. Elias has his 7th birthday on Monday, so he is excited about having a few friends come & spend the night on Friday night. He has big plans! Kristi officially starts her employment as a Normal Community West High School teacher on Monday...go Wildcats:)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All 3 boys will be starting school on Wednesday (Simeon-3rd grade; Elias-1st grade; Isaiah-kindergarten). They're not very excited about summer ending, but they'll get used to school again & we'll fall into some kind of routine. This year will be a very interesting year...lots of changes! Pray with us that we'll make this huge transition with ease!

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